I am working through the excellent book Let Over Lambda, and I am trying to port the Common Lisp code for defunits over to Clojure.
The following generates a macro that is supposed to take
(defn defunits-chaining [u units prev]
(if (some #(= u %) prev)
(throw (Throwable. (str u " depends on " prev))))
(let [spec (first (filter #(= u (first %)) units))]
(if (nil? spec)
(throw (Throwable. (str "unknown unit " u)))
(let [chain (second spec)]
(if (list? chain)
(* (first chain)
(second chain)
(cons u prev)))
(defmacro defunits [quantity base-unit & units]
`(defmacro ~(symbol (str "unit-of-" quantity))
[valu# un#]
`(* ~valu#
~(case un#
~base-unit 1
~@(map (fn [x]
`(~(first x) ;; <-- PRETTY SURE IT'S THIS `(
(first x)
(cons `(~base-unit 1)
(partition 2 units))
(partition 2 units))))))
(defunits time s m 60 h 3600)
and turn it into a macro that can be called like
(unit-of-time 4 h)
and give the results in the base unit (seconds in this case). I think is the problem is a Clojure/CL api change in "case". "Case" in CL looks like this:
(case 'a (('b) 'no) (('c) 'nope) (('a) 'yes))
but in clojure...
(case 'a 'b 'no 'c 'nope 'a 'yes)
HOW CONVENIENT. I changed my anon function in the nested defmacro, but it keeps generating like
(case un#
s 1
(m 60)
(h 3600)
How can I prevent those outer parens?