
I have a gnuplot script which generates a surface plot from data. I've scaled the z axis logarithmically, such as in an example on gnuplot.info1 - and just as in the example, I get a lot of empty room at the "bottom" of the plot.

In that example, the ticks on the z axis end at 1, but the axis doesn't end there - the origin of the plot is further "down" (in the z direction).

How do I set the origin to be where the data actually starts? A dynamic approach (that's not dependent on me knowing the data set in advance) is greatly preferred, if it's possible.

1 Follow the link and search the page for "Surfaces with z log scale" to find the relevant example.


1 Answers


This is not an obvious one, but (as usual) there is a setting for that. Try

set xyplane 1


help set xyplane

for more details.