
I have a couple of crystal report files and the fonts for all the fields are Arial and I want to change them to Times New Roman. I tried selecting all but when I do that I can't set the font.

Is there anyway to set all the fields in a report to a font from the UI?

Using Crystal Reports XI Release 2


3 Answers


If you select all fields then CR will disable all the options from the font toolbar. You can still change all the fields' fonts, though. Select all your reports objects that have text (this will NOT work if you select, say, a line object along with them). Then right-click the objects → "Format Objects" → "Font" tab.

All of the font options should be available there.


Ryan's solution will not work with Crystal Reports 2008. You will need to upgrade to a newer version. I am using Crystal Reports 13.

Select All using Ctrl+A. Unselect drawing objects like lines, boxes, etc. Right-click, you will get the option to format multiple objects. Choose your styles.


If you already have one object designed the way you want you could use ´Format Painter´, similar to that from MS Word: right click -> Format Painter (copy style), then just click to another object and the style will be pasted.