
I'm trying to create az xpath, where I want to get a node, in which there exists a child node which has an attribute. My problem is that the only difference in this structure is the child attribute. Here's an example to show you what I mean:

    <record name="svc_sig">
        <record name="sig_in">
            <array name="rec_fields">
                    <value name=field_name">UniqueName1</value>
                    <value name=field_name">UniqueName2</value>
                    <value name=field_name">UniqueName3</value>
                    <value name=field_name">UniqueName4</value>

For example given UniqueName3 I want to get the record that contains it. So far I tried the following:


With this however I get all the value nodes that has the attribute field_name.

If you want to get a 'record' which has 'UniqueName3' string, you should use XPATH like record[value/text()='UniqueName3']Navin Rawat
Thank you, that was exactly what I was looking for!Wrath

1 Answers


You may try this:


This will select the record element which is the parent of the value element which contains UniqueName3 as it's text value.

Here's a proof: http://www.xpathtester.com/obj/1afeedf1-46bd-4adb-841e-da6e6945b6d4 (press the Test button).