I'm very new to AS3 & Flash and wonder if anyone can take a look at this test piece.
Within my Flash file I have a number of movieclips that are randomly & dynamically added to the stage when a button is pressed. All the movieclips are the same width but have different heights and all the movieclips have their registration points positioned bottom-left (I'm using the button at this stage for test purposes only).
What I would like to do is 'automatically' (rather than using a button) add an endless stream of randomly chosen mc's from the library to the stage (that is to say mc's should be added in succession - i.e. one after the other without a gap between each one) that auto-scroll vertically downwards from the top of the stage towards the bottom (in the fashion of a never ending conveyor belt) and are then returned to the library when they are no longer visible on stage.
Anyone have any ideas.
//mc's are dynamically loaded & returned to the library
//mc's have 'export for Actionscript' property
//mc's have their anchor point placed bottom left
//stop all
//Speed of the vertical auto-scroll movement
var scrollSpeed:uint = 1;
//auto load random mc from library & place top left corner of stage
//load random mc via button for test purposes
function attachMovieclip(event:MouseEvent):void{
//create a random number for choosing a mc from the array
var newNumber:int = (Math.random ()*14)
//define the mc's
var mc1:Red01 = new Red01();
var mc2:Red02 = new Red02();
var mc3:Red03 = new Red03();
var mc4:Orange01 = new Orange01();
var mc5:Orange02 = new Orange02();
var mc6:Orange03 = new Orange03();
var mc7:Yellow01 = new Yellow01();
var mc8:Yellow02 = new Yellow02();
var mc9:Green01 = new Green01();
var mc10:Green02 = new Green02();
var mc11:Blue01 = new Blue01();
var mc12:Blue02 = new Blue02();
var mc13:Purple01 = new Purple01();
var mc14:Purple02 = new Purple02();
//create an array which holds all the mc's
var Mcarray:Array = newArray(mc1,mc2,mc3,mc4,mc5,mc6,mc7,mc8,mc9,mc10,mc11,mc12,mc13,mc14);
//add child (or random mc) to the stage
//place mc at specific starting point coordinate - i.e. top of the stage
//trace mc random numeric value for test purposes
//auto-scroll the randomly chosen mc vertically down the stage
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveScroll);
function moveScroll(e:Event):void{
Mcarray[newNumber].y += scrollSpeed;
//once first mc is completley on stage load the next random mc
//once a mc has completely left the bottom of the stage return it to the library