When you use SignalR, in your HTML you need to reference the following two scripts:
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.signalR-1.0.0.js"></script>
<script src="/signalR/hubs"></script>
The second one is for a JavaScript hub proxy which will be auto generated. Everything works fine. However what happens if the JavaScript Hub Proxy generation is disabled somehow, perhaps by setting DisableJavaScriptProxies property (https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/commit/7e974f4e92551a26f3e3e0a166e1dbf6c064e850). When JavaScript proxy generation is disabled and you try to reference /signalr/hubs in your HTML, it gives the JavaScript error:
Uncaught Error: SignalR: JavaScript Hub proxy generation has been disabled.
When I browse to that path in the browser, the response is:
throw new Error('SignalR: JavaScript Hub proxy generation has been disabled.')
If the JavaScript proxy generation is disabled, how is the $.connection.myHub.client
JavaScript code going to work? What extra do I have to do to make it work? The JavaScript error I get is
Uncaught TypeError: cannot read property 'client' of undefined.