
Given the following sample multi-module project:

  • aggr/pom.xml (Version 1.0-SNAPSHOT)
  • aggr/parent/pom.xml (Version 2.0-SNAPSHOT)
  • aggr/app/pom.xml (Version 3.0-SNAPSHOT)
  • aggr/comp1/pom.xml (Version 4.0-SNAPSHOT)

where parent is the parent of any other pom and app has a dependency of comp1.

Releasing via release:prepare/perform just works fine as long as the aggr folder has the same structure within the svn repository (repository/trunk/aggr/parent.pom, ...).

Now when I want to use the same project but with svn:externals, the release-plugin doesn't work stating that comp1:

Can't release project due to non released dependencies : parent:pom:2.0-SNAPSHOT

The repository structure is then something like

  • repository/aggr/trunk/pom.xml
  • repository/parent/trunk/pom.xml
  • repository/app/trunk/pom.xml
  • repository/comp1/trunk/pom.xml

the aggr folder uses externals pointing to the module-trunks and therefore the checked out working copy looks like the above.

Why is Maven handling modules based on externals differently and is there a way to overcome this?

Edit: The pom-Files of the svn:externals Project. The only difference to the pom-Files of the other project are the scm tags. In the other non-externals project only the aggregator has the scm tag.

External parent-pom.xml




External aggr-pom.xml small.test parent 2.0-SNAPSHOT




External app-pom.xml





Thanks Konrad

The main problem you have is not using the same version for all modules etc. Furthermore can you show the pom files ? Apart from that why are you using externals to create a multi-module structure and not creating a real one without externals?khmarbaise
The modules and the parent of the real project are being used in several projects. Therefore I have to rely on externals and cannot use the same version for the whole project.Konrd
That's not really a reason, cause if you have a multi-module build you can use the modules separately. So if you don't change the folder structure into a single SVN tree instead of using externals you won't get running it.khmarbaise

1 Answers


In your current project you must run mvn:release for each one, cause you have projects or modules in different svn repositories. If you want to run just one mvn:release your repository should looks like:

svn_repository: branches/