
ACS50001: Relying party with identifier https://localhost:44304/ was not found when I try to sign-in with my web site against WAAD.

What might I be doing wrong here? I've tried this over and over, following the instructions carefully:

  1. Create ASP.NET 4.5 MVC web site in VS2012, Intranet template.
  2. Configure web app for SSL - Enable SSL, and set startup URL to https://localhost:44304
  3. Register app in Azure portal under Integrated Apps - App URL, App ID URI, and Reply URI all set to: https://localhost:44304/
  4. Run Identity and Access against VS2012 project.
  5. Copy metadata fields from WAAD portal into wizard, and click OK:

    STS metadata document path: https://login.windows.net/06c6c283-5c4b-40c5-ac5c-21d2ff4364a3/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml

    App ID URI: https://localhost:44304/

  6. When I launch app (first time, or after a reboot), I get the expected sign-in dialog. After signing in as one of my users, I get the ACS50001 error described above. If I try subsequently to again run the app, I get the error ACS50001 immediately (no sign-in dialog).

Any advice would be very much appreciated!

Make sure that the Realm under Relying party application is "localhost:44304" (*This field is case sensitive)NavaRajan
Have you found any Solution, yet?Yann Olaf

3 Answers


I had a similar problem and I solved it by making sure my Relying party and app URI were an exact match. I had a trailing slash on the relying party (or audienceUri) that I needed to remove.


i had similar problem.

and i solved it by giving permisssion to Application.

Follow below steps:

  1. Go to Azure Portal - then Click on Azure AD
  2. Go to your Applications
  3. Click on Configure
  4. Move to last Section - permissions to other applications
  5. Click on Application Permission in Window Azure Active Directory Row
  6. Select your permission.
  7. And then Click on Save

Here i am attaching below screenshot , which shows where i have set my permission

enter image description here


May be you need to specific a view to the URL
