I have an issue with deleting records from an Ember.JS model.
I have an overview of records in my handlebars template with a delete button for each row.
When clicking the button I would like to remove that row from the table (and execute a DELETE on my REST API).
My handlebars template contains the following table + delete button for every record.
<table class="table table-hover">
{{#each model}}
<td><button {{action removeItem this target="view"}}>Delete</button></td>
My view looks like this
App.LocationsIndexView = Ember.View.extend({
removeItem: function(location) {
this.get('controller').send('removeItem', location);
My controller looks like this :
App.LocationsIndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
removeItem: function(location) {
console.log("Removing location " + location);
location.one("didDelete", this, function() {
console.log("record deleted");
The removeItem methods are called, the item is removed from the table and the DELETE is called on the REST API. Great !
However ......
If I switch to another template (using linkTo) and return to the overview table (again using linkTo), the deleted record re-appears in the table. It is not present in the backend anymore so it cannot be delete again :
Uncaught Error: Attempted to handle event `deleteRecord` on <App.Location:ember356:517d96d7658c51de1c000027> while in state rootState.deleted.saved. Called with undefined
I've gone through the guides but they force you to jump all over the place. http://emberjs.com/guides/views/ looked promising (actually showing the delete button that I want to implement), only to continue to something completely different.
I would like to understand why the deleted item re-appears and how I can avoid that. I've tried calling this.removeObject(location) in the ArrayController as well but the deleted record keeps re-appearing.
I can reproduce the issue using the browser console
- locs = App.Location.find();
- locs.content.length // returns 5
- newLoc = App.Location.createRecord({latitude:120,longitude:120})
- locs = App.Location.find();
- locs.content.length // returns 6
- newLoc.deleteRecord()
- locs.content.length // returns 5
- locs = App.Location.find();
- locs.content.length // returns 6 (why is it returning 6 here ?)