
So I am using Jekyll Bootstrap, which is also available on GitHub, in order to build my blog (which is currently just full of filler content for development). One thing I noticed is that when running my local development server using the command

$ jekyll --server --auto

I am able to edit my markdown content and have it auto regenerate the local site while I am changing things. As far as I can tell this does not work for my CSS or for my templates. I also noticed that when I run the local server with the --auto flag Jekyll creates a directory called auto which stores what appears to be a static copy of my site's content. Jekyll-bootstrap comes with it's own .gitignore file set up for you which I assumed contained the auto directory. I see no reason to store this auto-regenerated content in the GitHub repository for my site, however, when I made a commit I noticed it added the entire auto directory. I opened up the .gitignore file and this is what it contains:





I am very new to Jekyll and Jekyll Bootstrap, and a little new to git. I am not sure if there is a reason why they wouldn't have an entry to ignore the auto directory. I was figuring I should add an entry for auto/*. Is there a reason I shouldn't do this? As far as I can tell there is no use for the auto directory for anyone that either downloading the site from the web or from its git repository?


1 Answers


You can put it in your gitignore file. When deploying your site, you'll generally build it into the _site directory and publish it somewhere (your own VPS, GitHub pages, etc).