What I’m trying to do is have an NSTextView and add custom NSView subviews to it, but have it so the text can layout around the subviews.
Right now, I can easily add a subview to the textview but of course, that goes into the textview and the text is ignorant of the subviews, so it just runs over/under the subview. Not what I’d like, of course.
So I’d like to be able to add my own views at least in “block” (like when an HTML element is a block element, so it’s on its own line), and maybe “inline” as well (that is, a subview in line with the text, just like how an HTML element can be inline) although this is not absolutely required.
I can’t quite figure out how to make this work. The only way I’ve seen that things can be added to a textview are with Text Attachments, but those seem relegated to only images/files, and only in an NSCell, which doesn’t contain (to my knowledge) an arbitrary NSView.
I feel like this should be possible though, where do I start?
. – TheAmateurProgrammer