In 2.0 Labels is a great feature. I would not recommend auto indexing thought. With custom indexing on a label you can achieve unique creation of objects. The flow is like so
Create index on the label first, let's say 'User' is the label to identify a user.
create index on :User(username)
Now you have an index over the 'username' on every node with label 'User'
To create a unique node you need to have something to relate on creation.
At the moment there is no such thing as
create unique (n:User {username:"tsartsaris"})
But you can use
CREATE UNIQUE (b)-[:ISUSER]->(m:User {username:"tsartsaris"})
This unique creation will search for m with label:User and username:tsartsaris, if it does not exists then it will create it. If you run the code again it will return the existing node and will not create a new one.
If you use 2.0 m2 you can use merge as a method of creating a unique node.
merge (n:User {username:"tsartsaris"})
merge will search for a match in your graph , if it finds it will return it , otherwise will create the node and return it.