
So I'm using Flex to access some of the useful libraries included, but I don't want to deal with the MXML stuff. So I'm writing it all in pure AS3.

Basically, I'm loading the main AS3 class with this MXML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<local:Canvas xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:local="asset.*" />

Now from there, the AS3 takes over and does all its stuff. However, when I try to draw something to my main Canvas class (which just extends Application) by using the addChild() method, It throws this error:

Type Coercion failed: cannot convert MyObject to mx.core.IUIComponent.

I have also tried adding it directly to the Canvas object's stage, but it's null.

Any suggestions?

Are you using Flex components or just the useful utilities included in the Flex framework? If it's the latter, you can grab the appropriate SWC files and use a standard ActionScript project. I'm doing that with a project I am building right now (imported framework.swc, rpc_rb.swc, and rpc.swc for my purposes)Josh

1 Answers


You can wrap your object in a UIComponent assuming MyObject is a subclass of DisplayObject.

var uicomponent:UIComponent = new UIComponent(); 