
I have large sparse adjacency matrices with around 1M nodes, which I am processing with MATLAB. I want to convert these matrices into network edge lists as efficiently as possible. As an example adjacency matrix to illustrate this:

adj =
     1     0     1     0
     0     0     1     1
     0     0     1     0
     0     1     0     0

And the output I call an network edge list here is:

>> adj2edgeList_Alex(adj)
ans =
     0     0
     0     2
     1     2
     1     3
     2     2
     3     1

This code which I have to do it stalls for time.

function edge_list = adj2edgeList_Alex(graph)

edge_num = length(logical(graph > 0));
edge_list = zeros(edge_num,2);
row_ind = 1;
for ii=1:size(graph,2)
    ind_temp = find(graph(ii,:)==1);
    if(isempty(ind_temp) == 0)
        ind_temp = ind_temp - 1;
        edges_iter = length(ind_temp);   
        node_num = ii - 1;
        edge_list(row_ind:row_ind+edges_iter-1,:) = ...
            row_ind = row_ind + edges_iter;

Is there a modification to speed this up? Another function or toolbox that can perform better?

Have you profiled your code at all? Use the profiler to see where it's acting slowly. That will help give you clues.John

1 Answers


You can use find():

[r,c] = find(adj)
edges = [r,c];

Note that MATLAB indexes from 1 not 0, but you can rebase by simply edges-1.