I'm currently wrapping my head around how to efficiently render polygons within a vertex buffer in back-to-front order to get transparency working..
I got my vertex buffers and index buffers set up, doing glDrawElements rendering and everything works nicely except transparency cause i currently render in arbitrary (the order the objects were created) order..
I will later implement octree rendering, but this will only help in the overall vertex-buffer-rendering order (what vertex buffer to render first), but not the order WITHIN the vertex buffer..
The only thing I can think of is reorder my index buffers every time i do a camera position change, which feels terrible inefficient since i store around 65.000 vertexes per vbo (using a GLushort for the indexes to achieve an optimal vbo size of around 1-4MB)..
Is there a better way to order vertexes in the vertex buffer object (or better phrased the corresponding indexes in the index buffer object)?