
Ok, I have two custom controls:

  • MainLayout: Contains an Application Layout control (from the Domino extension library)
  • Section1: Contains a section with a header and a few items

Now I create a new XPage, and drag the MainLayout control on it.

Now I want to drag Section1 to the page, and connect it to LeftColumn area of the MainLayout... which seems like something trivial, but I can't get it to work for some reason.

When I drag the section1 control to the leftColumn area, the component is always getting inserted at the top of the page. The little pencil-icon next to "LeftColumn" seems decoration-only to me, because no matter if you left-click or right-click on it, nothing happens...

How is this supposed to work?


This how my xpage looks like after adding the MainLayout control:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core" xmlns:xc="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/custom">

        <xp:styleSheet href="/custom.css"></xp:styleSheet>


XML of the MainLayout custom component:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core"
    <xe:applicationLayout id="applicationLayout1">
            <xe:oneuiApplication titleBarName="Test"
                    placeBarName="Server1" legalText="YadaYada">
                    <xe:userTreeNode label="User 1"></xe:userTreeNode>
                    <xe:loginTreeNode label="Login 1"></xe:loginTreeNode>
                    <xe:basicContainerNode label="Select server">
                            <xe:basicLeafNode label="Server1"></xe:basicLeafNode>
do you have any xml source code? in the Application Layout, the LeftColumn area is a editable area, in the xml source code shown as a facet, with a key="LeftColumn"Frank van der Linden
added xml, but I don't see anything that indicates a facet declaration.Jeroen Jacobs
In the properties of the layout control you can tick if you want to use editable areas for the 3 main columns. That adds the facets. Of course you can add them manually. Get the book.stwissel
stwissel: that was exactly what I was looking for :-) Thank you very much! Too bad I can't mark a comment as a correct answer.Jeroen Jacobs

1 Answers


I also have a custom where i use the application layout. in my custom control I have above the configuration tag the following code enter image description here

And in my XPage which use my custom layout I referer to my LeftColumn editable area by the following code enter image description here