
I am looking for some advice or information on how to do the following. I want to add one more menu in magento admin panel. I am trying many ways but not working. How can i add extra one menu in admin panel. please advise...


4 Answers


If this is your custom module what you need to do is in etc/config.xml add the following:

          <module name>
            <title>Title to show in the menu bar</title>
            <action>Modules controller action</action>
          </module name>

The example above will add a new item to the reports tab and trigger an action in the controller to do something. Hope this helps.


You can add menu using custom module the below tutorial help me a lot please click here


I am creating one module.

info - Company name folder

ExtendedMenu - Module Name

I am creating 2 new folders in modules folder.

etc & Block

etc folder I am creating config.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Block -- Adminhtml - Menu.php

class Info_ExtendedMenu_Block_Adminhtml_Menu extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Page_Menu
    public function getMenuArray()
        //Load standard menu
        $parentArr = parent::getMenuArray();

        //Prepare "View Sites" menu
        $parentArr['view_sites'] = array(
            'label' => 'Web2Print',
            'active'=>false ,
            'click' => 'return false;',
            'last'=> true,
            'children' => array()

        $app = Mage::app();

        $j = 0;

        $allWebsites = $app->getWebsites();
        $totalWebsiteCount = count($allWebsites) - 1;

        foreach ($allWebsites as $_eachWebsiteId => $websiteVal){
            $_storeName = $app->getWebsite($_eachWebsiteId)->getName();
            $baseUrl = $app->getStore($_eachStoreId)->getUrl();
            $_websiteUrl = array(
                            'label' => 'View Admin',
                            'active' => false ,
                            'click' => "var extraurl='w2p/admin/index.php';alert(this.href+extraurl); window.open(this.href+extraurl, 'Website - '+ this.href); return false;",
                            'sort_order' => $i++ * 10,
                            'level' => 2,
                            'url' => $baseUrl

            if(count($parentArr['view_sites']['children']) == $totalWebsiteCount){
                $_websiteUrl['last'] = true;
            } else {
                $_websiteUrl['last'] = false;

            $parentArr['view_sites']['children'][$j - 1] = $_websiteUrl;

            $allStores = $app->getWebsite($app->getWebsite($_eachWebsiteId)->getId())->getStores();
            $totalCount = count($allStores);
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($allStores as $_eachStoreId => $val){
                $_websiteId = $app->getStore($_eachStoreId)->getWebsiteId();
                if($_websiteId == $j){
                    $_storeName = 'View Admin';
                    $baseUrl = $app->getStore($_eachStoreId)->getUrl();
                    $_websiteUrl = array(
                            'label' => $_storeName,
                            'active' => false ,
                            'click' => "var extraurl='w2p/admin/index.php';alert(this.href+extraurl); window.open(this.href+extraurl, 'Website - '+ this.href); return false;",
                            'sort_order' => $i++ * 10,
                            'level' => 2,
                            'url' => $baseUrl

                    if(count($parentArr['view_sites']['children'][$j - 1]['children']) + 1 == $totalCount or $totalCount == 0)
                        $_websiteUrl['last'] = true;
                        $_websiteUrl['last'] = false;

                    $parentArr['view_sites']['children'][$j - 1]['children'][$i] = $_websiteUrl;
        return $parentArr;

Also you need to go to magento base folder path app-etc-modules-youemodule name(Inchoo_ExtendedMenu.xml)

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Menu creation over. cheers.


What menu? Are you talking about an extension?

In order to do that you have: System > Magento connect > Magento connect manager


Theres an extension to manage this, take a look: Custom Menu Magento