I am looking for some advice or information on how to do the following. I want to add one more menu in magento admin panel. I am trying many ways but not working. How can i add extra one menu in admin panel. please advise...
4 Answers
If this is your custom module what you need to do is in etc/config.xml add the following:
<module name>
<title>Title to show in the menu bar</title>
<action>Modules controller action</action>
</module name>
The example above will add a new item to the reports tab and trigger an action in the controller to do something. Hope this helps.
I am creating one module.
info - Company name folder
ExtendedMenu - Module Name
I am creating 2 new folders in modules folder.
etc & Block
etc folder I am creating config.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Block -- Adminhtml - Menu.php
class Info_ExtendedMenu_Block_Adminhtml_Menu extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Page_Menu
public function getMenuArray()
//Load standard menu
$parentArr = parent::getMenuArray();
//Prepare "View Sites" menu
$parentArr['view_sites'] = array(
'label' => 'Web2Print',
'active'=>false ,
'click' => 'return false;',
'last'=> true,
'children' => array()
$app = Mage::app();
$j = 0;
$allWebsites = $app->getWebsites();
$totalWebsiteCount = count($allWebsites) - 1;
foreach ($allWebsites as $_eachWebsiteId => $websiteVal){
$_storeName = $app->getWebsite($_eachWebsiteId)->getName();
$baseUrl = $app->getStore($_eachStoreId)->getUrl();
$_websiteUrl = array(
'label' => 'View Admin',
'active' => false ,
'click' => "var extraurl='w2p/admin/index.php';alert(this.href+extraurl); window.open(this.href+extraurl, 'Website - '+ this.href); return false;",
'sort_order' => $i++ * 10,
'level' => 2,
'url' => $baseUrl
if(count($parentArr['view_sites']['children']) == $totalWebsiteCount){
$_websiteUrl['last'] = true;
} else {
$_websiteUrl['last'] = false;
$parentArr['view_sites']['children'][$j - 1] = $_websiteUrl;
$allStores = $app->getWebsite($app->getWebsite($_eachWebsiteId)->getId())->getStores();
$totalCount = count($allStores);
$i = 0;
foreach ($allStores as $_eachStoreId => $val){
$_websiteId = $app->getStore($_eachStoreId)->getWebsiteId();
if($_websiteId == $j){
$_storeName = 'View Admin';
$baseUrl = $app->getStore($_eachStoreId)->getUrl();
$_websiteUrl = array(
'label' => $_storeName,
'active' => false ,
'click' => "var extraurl='w2p/admin/index.php';alert(this.href+extraurl); window.open(this.href+extraurl, 'Website - '+ this.href); return false;",
'sort_order' => $i++ * 10,
'level' => 2,
'url' => $baseUrl
if(count($parentArr['view_sites']['children'][$j - 1]['children']) + 1 == $totalCount or $totalCount == 0)
$_websiteUrl['last'] = true;
$_websiteUrl['last'] = false;
$parentArr['view_sites']['children'][$j - 1]['children'][$i] = $_websiteUrl;
return $parentArr;
Also you need to go to magento base folder path app-etc-modules-youemodule name(Inchoo_ExtendedMenu.xml)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Menu creation over. cheers.
What menu? Are you talking about an extension?
In order to do that you have: System > Magento connect > Magento connect manager
Theres an extension to manage this, take a look: Custom Menu Magento