I need some help with a CLIPS question. This is the problem:
"Assume that a CLIPS database contains facts that are instantiations of the following template:
(deftemplate recommendation
(slot name)
(slot message)
(slot rating)
Write CLIPS rule to print messages in descending order according to rating. Each message is to be printed along with its associated name and rating."
I know the sort rule when there is a list such as:
(deffacts testlist
(list 1 4 2 3 5 8 7 6 9 0)
(defrule sort
?f <- (list $?head ?a ?b&:(< ?b ?a) $?tail)
(retract ?f)
(assert (list $?head ?b ?a $?tail))
But I am not sure when is it in the deftemplate format. Can someone help please?