Here's some context for my problem:
I downloaded the CustomChromeLibrary, and changed the Shell Reference from Microsoft.Windows.Shell to System.Windows.Shell, which is the same thing in framework 4.5.
Working from the CustomChromeSample, I am able to show a CustomChrome window, but IF I change the following properties in MainWindow.xaml:
- WindowStyle=None
- AllowTransparency=True
- Background=Transparent
(note that WindowStyle=None alone causes the issue)
then, IF I change the WindowState in this sequence:
- Normal (init state)
- Maximized (click button maximize)
- Minimized (click button minimized)
- Normal (click program icon in TaskBar)
then the program icon disappears from the TaskBar and Ive no idea why.
So, does anybody have an idea? Also, is there a place where I could upload the code for you to see?