I'm trying to run this loop as a parfor-loop:
correlations = zeros(1,N);
parfor i = 1:(size(timestamps,1)-1)
j = i+1;
dts = timestamps(j) - timestamps(i);
while (dts < T) && (j <= size(timestamps,1))
if dts == 0 && detectors(i) ~= detectors(j)
correlations(1) = correlations(1) + 2;
elseif detectors(i) ~= detectors(j)
dts = floor(dts/binning)+1;
correlations(dts) = correlations(dts) + 1;
j = j + 1;
if j <= size(timestamps,1)
dts = timestamps(j) - timestamps(i);
Matlab gives me the following error:
Error: File: correlate_xcorr.m Line: 18 Column: 17
The variable correlations in a parfor cannot be classified.
See Parallel for Loops in MATLAB, "Overview".
Line 18 is the following:
correlations(1) = correlations(1) + 2;
I can not understand why this shouldn'n be possible. The final value of correlations doesn't depend on the order in which the loop is executed, but only dts and detectors. I found similar examples in the documentation which work fine.
Why can't Matlab execute this code and how can I fix it?