I'm using EF5 with VS2012 and I'm facing a problem when the tables get generated.
1)I create an easy database schema (edmx) that contains 2 tables:
- Table1: Person
- Attribute: Id (Guid)
Attribute: Name (string)
Table2: Role
- Attribute: Id (Guid)
- Attribute: Type (string)
- Attribute: PersonId (Guid) (association with the table Person)
2)defining the properties of the unique key (called Id) as:
- Concurrency Mode: None
- Default Value: None
- Entity Key: True
- Getter: Public
- Name: Id
- Nullable: False
- Setter: Public
- StoreGeneratedPattern: Identity
- Type: Guid (I have also tried with Int32)
3)And the properties of the Entity model are:
- Code Generation Strategy: None
- Database Generation Workflow: TablePerTypeStrategy (VS)
- Database Schema Name: dbo
- DDL Generation Template: SSDLToSQL10.tt (VS)
- Entity Container Access: Public
- Entity Container Name: DatabaseSchemaContainer
- Lazy Loading Enabled: True
- Metadata Artifact Processing: Embed in Output Assembly
- Namespace: DatabaseSchema
- Pluralize New Objets: False
- Transform Related Text Templates on Save: True
- Update Property Facets: True
- Validate On Build: True
4)the related classes are generated, but the [Key] attribute is not present:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public partial class Person
public Person()
this.Role = new HashSet<Role>();
//[Key] <-- Missed!
public System.Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Role> Role { get; set; }
5) I create a Domain service to expose the above entities to the client, like:
public class DomainService1 : DomainService
public IEnumerable<Person> GetPersonSet()
public void UpdatePerson(Person person)
public void InsertPerson(Person person)
public void DeletePerson(Person person)
6) Rebuilding and getting the error:
The Entity 'Person' in DomainService 'DomainService1' does not have a key defined. Entity types exposed by DomainService operations must have at least one public property marked with the KeyAttribute.
Any suggestion is appreciated!