I am a new bie to the world of webservices , I have to develop the client side code that is the java code,I have been provided a wsdl which I can see by opening that wsdl in the browser , As i have access to wsdl , I am using Axis 2 , I have to use wsdl2java tool, which is available in axis2 distribution to generate the stubs.. Using those stub I need to write my client, so could you please share any url or example in which generating stubs from wsdl is shown using axis 2 as ultimately I have to generate client from wsdl
1 Answers
This tutorial http://axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core/docs/userguide-creatingclients.html#createclients may help you. There you get the client java class as well.
class, and put your wsdl address inarguments
input, then run it. 2: after that you will get the generated client code, you can just use them just like normal java code. – hiway