This is to ask to be signed into two Google Accounts (or two Live ID, or whatever two accounts) in the same browser's instance (which actually might be possible using Chrome, but the general case is NO). This is simply impossible today.
It is however ugly to see that error message in the ACS site. Have you configured an ERROR URL for your relying party application in the ACS? Although this property is optional, I strongly advice customers to actually use it, and properly handle requests to it. I haven't tried your particular scenario, but I assume ACS will redirect the user to the Error Url, once you configure it, so you at least know what happens.
Please configure the Error Url for your Relying Party and let us know whether user will be redirected to your site. You shall be then able to generate some proper error message.
If you say this only happens when you are logged-in the Azure management portal, than this (my speculation!) is almost same as sign-in with WAAD. Since the GA of WAAD there had been some changes. If you follow the actual login flow with Fiddler, you will notice that when sign-in to management portal has a bit different flow, then sign-in to Hotmail for instance. If you sign-in to Hotmail, you are just redirected to
you login and head back to Hotmail.
Now if you inspect the traffic when navigating to
you will notice that there is a first redirect to
(this is WAAD handled!). Then there is redirect to
(this is for your Live ID account). My speculation here is that WAAD from
federates Live ID (
) for authentication. That's why you are actually logged in with WAAD, and that's why your app fails.
Please perform the following experiment to confirm whether I am wrong or not:
- Delete all your browser's cookies
- Go to Hotmail and login with your Live ID account
- Now open new tab and open your custom application that federates WAAD via ACS
I suspect that now you will be able to login to your application.