
I want to send email with and attachment using SSIS, and the below error occurs.

[Send Mail Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at".

Below is my SMTP connection Manager and Send Mail Task, and the above error occurs..

enter image description here

enter image description here

Any help..


1 Answers


You need to provide authentication, GMail doesn't work as an open relay.

Also, you can't connect to GMail with Windows authentication, so you'll have to use a script component and do this in .Net if that has to be your mail server for this.

Here's someone who found & solved this already, even including the GMail part: http://kalyan-coldfusion.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/send-email-with-ssisdatabase-from-gmail.html

Better luck with your Googling in future :)