Prototype scope: A new object is created each time it is injected.
Singleton scope: The same object is returned each time it is injected.
Prototype scope is used for all beans that are stateful, while the singleton scope should be used for stateless beans.
Let me explain with my example. Please copy and run it by yourself to get a clear understanding.
Consider an interface Coach.
public interface Coach {
public String getDailyWorkout();
public String getDailyFortune();
We have another class called TrackCoach which implements Coach.
public class TrackCoach implements Coach {
private FortuneService fortuneService;
public TrackCoach(FortuneService fortuneService) {
this.fortuneService = fortuneService;
public String getDailyWorkout() {
return "Run a hard 5k";
public String getDailyFortune() {
return "Just Do it: " + fortuneService.getFortune();
Now there is a FortuneService interface.
public interface FortuneService {
public String getFortune();
It is implemented by our class HappyFortuneService.
public class HappyFortuneService implements FortuneService {
public String getFortune() {
return "Today is your lucky day!";
Let's wire the two classes and inject an object bean of one class into another using Xml. Let's perform dependency injection. Note that we can do this using java annotation too.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<!-- Define your beans here -->
<!-- define the dependency -->
<bean id = "myFortuneService"
class = "com.luv2code.springdemo.HappyFortuneService">
<bean id = "myCoach"
class = "com.luv2code.springdemo.TrackCoach"
scope = "singleton">
<!-- set up construction injection -->
<constructor-arg ref = "myFortuneService" />
Notice that scope = singleton
Now let's define our BeanScopeDemoApp, which has our main method.
public class BeanScopeDemoApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// load the spring configuration file
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context =
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beanScope-applicationContext.xml");
// retrieve bean from spring container
Coach theCoach = context.getBean("myCoach", Coach.class);
Coach alphaCoach = context.getBean("myCoach", Coach.class);
// check if they are the same
boolean result = (theCoach == alphaCoach);
// print out the results
System.out.println("\nPointing to the same object: " + result);
System.out.println("\nMemory location for theCoach: " + theCoach);
System.out.println("\nMemory location for alphaCoach: " + alphaCoach +"\n");
// close the context
Once you run the above code, you will see the following results:
Pointing to the same object: true
Memory location for theCoach: com.luv2code.springdemo.TrackCoach@16515bb7
Memory location for alphaCoach: com.luv2code.springdemo.TrackCoach@16515bb7
It's pointing the same object and occupies the same memory location after calling it twice.
Now let's change the scope = prototype
in our Xml file, save it and run the BeanScopeDemoApp again.
You will see the following results:
Pointing to the same object: false
Memory location for theCoach: com.luv2code.springdemo.TrackCoach@6d4d203d
Memory location for alphaCoach: com.luv2code.springdemo.TrackCoach@627fbcda
It's pointing the different object and occupies the different memory locations after calling it twice.
This would be a graphical illustration of what i have just said.