I have the following Xtemplate code:
'<div class="moreArrow"></div>',
'<div class="img"><img src="http://localhost/WL2/assets/rest/{image}"/></div>',
'<div class="meta">',
'<div class="actions">',
'<button class="seen{[values.seen ? " selected" : ""]}">{action}</button>',
'{% if (values.seen) { %}',
'<button class="thumb up{[values.like ? " selected" : ""]}"><b></b></button>',
'<button class="thumb down{[values.dislike ? "selected" : ""]}"><b></b> </button>',
'{% } else { %}',
'<button class="want{[values.wantToSee ? "selected" : ""]}">Want to Go There</button>',
'{% } %}',
My problem is that the if condition in the part {% if (values.seen) { %}
is not working, that is when the button is clicked, it should show two buttons of dislike and like. What is wrong with my code that is causing this issue?