
SSAS 2012 Multidimensional DW has

  • Measures: Line total,
  • Dimension with hierarchy: [Division] - [Sales Person].

I am trying to make set of top 2 salespersons by divisions. This code sample gives me the correct result in SSMS:

    with set [f] as 
       { [Sales Person].[Hierarchy].[All] . children }, 
            [Sales Person].[Division].CurrentMember *
                EXISTING  [Sales Person].[Sales Person Id].children 
                ,[Measures].[Line Total] 
            SELECT [Measures].[Line Total]  ON COLUMNS,
   ON ROWS  from     [Adventure Works]

it's working fine. It will give me top 2 by division. However, if i want to make named set in cube based on previous MDX thus:

 create dynamic set CURRENTCUBE.[f] as Generate(
       { [Sales Person].[Hierarchy].[All] . children }, 
            [Sales Person].[Division].CurrentMember *
                EXISTING  [Sales Person].[Sales Person Id].children 
                ,[Measures].[Line Total] 

it will give me no error but this named set will not show in the browser. Validation of the MDX code in the calculations tab passes ok.


1 Answers


You say it won't show in the browser, have you allocated it a display folder? If not, it may not be where you expect to see it.

Can you use it in an MDX query OK?