NIO and TCP make a great pair for many connections. Since a new connection needs to be opened for each new client, each of these clients would typically need their own thread for blocking I/O operations. NIO addresses that problem by allowing data to be read when it can, rather than blocking until it is available. But what about UDP?
I mean, connectionless UDP does not have the blocking nature of TCP associated with it because of how the protocol is designed (send it and forget it, basically). If I decide to send some data to some address, then it will do so, without delays (on server-end). Likewise, if I want to read data, I can just receive individual packets from different sources. I don't need to have many connections to many places using many threads to deal with each of them.
So, how does NIO and selectors enhance UDP? More specifically, when would one prefer to use UDP with NIO rather than the ol'