I develop an Android application running on Motorola RAZR XT910 with OS version 4.0.4.
This application uses the Motorola_ICS_R2_sdkaddon_100 BluetoothGattService.jar and BluetoothGatt.jar libraries and communicates with Bluetooth Low Energy Sensor Tags (TI CC2540,TI CC2541,Blue Radios Sensor Tags).
On Discovery procedure I always read the rssi value equal to 0 . I use the following code to read the rssi value on receiving the Intent BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND:
short rssi = intent.getShortExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_RSSI,(short) 0);
Also for non Bluetooth low energy devices,the rssi value i read is ok (not equal to 0).
Can anyone help me??