I try to use the iostream class from boost ASIO to read binary data from a TCP socket. I use the standard extraction operator (operator>>) to read data from the stream. The environment I use is Visual Studio 2010. The problem is that when I read the stream it seems that the stream tries to parse the binary data as a string. At least this is what I have seens as I have debugged into the code.
Is there a way that I could use the iostream to read it as a binary stream and not as a string stream?
boost::asio::io_service dataServer;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint dataServerEndpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), dataServerPort);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(dataServer, dataServerEndpoint);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::iostream dataServerStream;
vector<char> lineBuffer;
while (!dataServerStream.eof())
bool eof = dataServerStream.eof();
bool bad = dataServerStream.bad();
bool fail = dataServerStream.fail();
bool good = dataServerStream.good();
uint64_t magic;
dataServerStream >> magic;
So instead of just taking 8 bytes from stream and move it into the "magic" variable, it tries to parse the stream to get a valid stringified number. This of course fails and the fail bit will be set.