I have to design an Hbase table to store users information, this information is targeted for social networking, like: age, sex, education, hobbies, read books, traveled countries ... NOTE: we could add more information in future, we dont know all information now.
for example: name: Olha, age: 25, sex: female, education: bachelor Information technology, education: master computer science, hobby: basket ball, hobby: ping pong, book: gone with the wind, book: Davinci code, language: english, language: french, Country: Germany
The main idea is to be able to do queries like: return all people who are female, age: 22 years old, speak: english, speak: french, read the book gone with the wind, like ping pong, like basket ball and German.
so you can add any criteria to the search query.
what is your suggestion about the HBASE table schema ( row key, column family ... ) that optimized this kind of search queries ( taking into consideration that we will add more information in future ) what is the best way to write such query ( scan, get, MapReduce ).
Thank you