I have a simple point to point UDP WiFi simulation in NS-3 that outputs data to a trace file. It provides lots of useful data but there is no information that gives a unique ID for each packet. I can't find anything in wireshark either when I open the pcap files.
I have output the results of my simulation to an ascii trace file and pcap files for both nodes but I can't find any packet identifier. I can see the sequence numbers of the packets but that's it.
I am new to NS-3 so I am not sure how to produce this information.
Here is some of the output from the trace file.
t 2.00082 /NodeList/0/DeviceList/0/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Phy/State/Tx ns3::WifiMacHeader (DATA ToDS=0, FromDS=0, MoreFrag=0, Retry=0, MoreData=0 Duration/ID=0usDA=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, SA=00:00:00:00:00:01, BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:01, FragNumber=0, SeqNumber=0) ns3::LlcSnapHeader (type 0x806) ns3::ArpHeader (request source mac: 00-06-00:00:00:00:00:01 source ipv4: dest ipv4: ns3::WifiMacTrailer ()
Any suggestions are appreciated.