I am working out a bit of Clojure code that will take a ref to a map and increment a key value pair in the map. I think I am using ref correctly, but Im not sure about atom. Do I need to use swap! to be more idiomatic? I am new to STM and Clojure, does this look thread-safe / sane? What am I missing?
(defn increment-key [ref key]
(if (= (get @ref key) nil)
(alter ref assoc key (atom 1))
(alter ref assoc key (atom (inc @(get @ref key)))))))
(defn -main [& args]
(def my-map (ref {}))
(increment-key my-map "yellow")
(println my-map)
(increment-key my-map "yellow")
(println my-map))
$ lein run
#<Ref@494eaec9: {yellow #<Atom@191410e5: 1>}>
#<Ref@494eaec9: {yellow #<Atom@7461373f: 2>}>