
I have two custom UIViews (A and B respectively) each with a frame set to the same origin and same size. They are both added to a parent UIView (C) as subviews.

I have a touch recognizer as part of A and B that listen for touches on certain spots. If that touch is received, it raises a delegate up to the parent UIView saying it has been touched. The issue is that since B is added after A, B never receives a touch event.

The A and B UIViews are single lines with endpoints. They both recognize touches on the endpoints and raise up delegate notifications. How do I add subviews and recognize touches on them with parent views on top? It's like an exclusivity thing.


2 Answers


If A is receiving touch events and B isn't though they're both children of C, then it's because A is claiming all touch events for itself, including those intended for B.

The solution is to override the pointInside:withEvent: method on A in order to determine whether it should accept the event for itself, like this:

-(BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    if ([self pointIsInHotspot:point]) return YES;
    return NO;

Where pointIsInHotspot is whatever tests you need to perform in order to determine if the point is on an active area within the view.


Set cancelsTouchesInView to NO in your gesture recognizer.