I am absolutely newbie in multithreading and using OpenMP. but I am trying to develop a program with two function.
get the data from the camera and save it into memory for 1000fps
display and refresh the screen each 100ms
I think the OpenMP should be something like this
#pragma omp sections
{ function1(); }
#pragma omp section
{ function2(); }
but I am not sure how can I actually implement this in code (c++)? if somebody know can you please let me know. I have end up with the following code, but now I want to make the second section sleep every 100ms, how can I do it?
lastPicNr = 0;
CExceptionHandler::GrabberErrorMessage(fg,"Can not start Acquiring images .");
//Declaring a parallel region that will be broken down into disctinct parallel sections
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
while((lastPicNr = Fg_getLastPicNumberBlockingEx(fg,lastPicNr+1,nCamPort,10,_memoryAllc))<= MaxPics){
iPtr=(unsigned char*)Fg_getImagePtrEx(fg,lastPicNr,0,_memoryAllc);
#pragma omp section
cv::Mat _matrixImage(cv::Size(w,h), CV_8UC1,iPtr , cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP);