I want to add a custom column in “Attribute option” in “Manage Attribute Options” menu in admin. Like “value” column beside the position column in admin.
What I have done ...
created a new filed in ”eav_attribute_option” table named “value” beside “sort_order” filed in database.
changed ”magento\app\design\adminhtml\default\default\template\catalog\product\attribute\options.phtml” this file to show the “Value” column beside the “Position” column.
changed ”getOptionValues()” method in this file ”magento\app\code\core\Mage\Eav\Block\Adminhtml\Attribute\Edit\Options\Abstract.php” to get data for my custom “value” column from database and show in admin side. It shows the default value of db in admin form.
* But when I want to save from admin panel the data doesn't save in db. Can anybody help which file I have to change to save the data of “Value” field into db? Can anybody please give any solution, which file or where have to change ?