
Below is what i am populating my collection with (FacetModels)

How do I access the AvailableValues[] array

"FacetModels":[ { "FacetDisplayLabel":null, "SelectedValues":[], "AvailableValues":[], "UnknownResults":0, "ActionURI":null, "FacetGroupName":"Category", "FacetGroupFriendlyId":"SourceCategory", "FacetGroupOrder":10, "AllowSuggestions":false },

This is my view, as you will see all i have access to is the array of FacetModels, I need to be able to pass FacetModels[0].AvailableValues.Name so I can display each category Name

CategoryListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName: "li",
    className: "category",
    initialize: function (options) {
        this.template = _.template( $("#categorylist_template").html());
    render: function () {
        var category = this.model
        return this;

Display from console

a.Model {cid: "c2", attributes: Object, collection: r, _changing: false, _previousAttributes: Object…} _changing: false _events: Object _pending: false _previousAttributes: Object attributes: Object ActionURI: null AllowSuggestions: false AvailableValues: Array[8] 0: Object ActionURI: "/api/search?firstname=thomas&firstname_variants=true&lastname=smith&region=all&sourcecategory=armed%20forces%20utf0026%20conflict" Count: 8943 DisplayLabel: "Armed Forces & Conflict" IsUnknown: false Name: "Armed Forces & Conflict" proto: Object 1: Object 2: Object 3: Object 4: Object 5: Object 6: Object 7: Object length: 8 proto: Array[0] FacetDisplayLabel: null FacetGroupFriendlyId: "SourceCategory" FacetGroupName: "Category" FacetGroupOrder: 10 SelectedValues: Array[0] UnknownResults: 0 proto: Object changed: Object cid: "c2" collection: r proto: Object

What is the model of your view? Is AvailableValues a collection, or just an attribute with an array? What is displayed in your console? And so on...Loamhoof
I've added the console output. It is in my model as an attribute but part of an array. ie FacetModels[0].AvailableValues[]Rob Paddock

1 Answers


Inside your view the javascript array is available through this.model.get('AvailableValues'). If you need Available values to be a Backbone Collection, you can override parse to populate the AvailableValues property with a collection instead of an array.

There are some other SO questions that have examples of this: