Below is what i am populating my collection with (FacetModels)
How do I access the AvailableValues[] array
"FacetModels":[ { "FacetDisplayLabel":null, "SelectedValues":[], "AvailableValues":[], "UnknownResults":0, "ActionURI":null, "FacetGroupName":"Category", "FacetGroupFriendlyId":"SourceCategory", "FacetGroupOrder":10, "AllowSuggestions":false },
This is my view, as you will see all i have access to is the array of FacetModels, I need to be able to pass FacetModels[0].AvailableValues.Name so I can display each category Name
CategoryListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "li",
className: "category",
initialize: function (options) {
this.template = _.template( $("#categorylist_template").html());
render: function () {
var category = this.model
return this;
Display from console
a.Model {cid: "c2", attributes: Object, collection: r, _changing: false, _previousAttributes: Object…} _changing: false _events: Object _pending: false _previousAttributes: Object attributes: Object ActionURI: null AllowSuggestions: false AvailableValues: Array[8] 0: Object ActionURI: "/api/search?firstname=thomas&firstname_variants=true&lastname=smith®ion=all&sourcecategory=armed%20forces%20utf0026%20conflict" Count: 8943 DisplayLabel: "Armed Forces & Conflict" IsUnknown: false Name: "Armed Forces & Conflict" proto: Object 1: Object 2: Object 3: Object 4: Object 5: Object 6: Object 7: Object length: 8 proto: Array[0] FacetDisplayLabel: null FacetGroupFriendlyId: "SourceCategory" FacetGroupName: "Category" FacetGroupOrder: 10 SelectedValues: Array[0] UnknownResults: 0 proto: Object changed: Object cid: "c2" collection: r proto: Object