
I have objects of type MyClass stored as pairs <std::string, MyClass> in an STL Map. The std::string is a unique name for each MyClass object. I want every MyClass object to be instantiated only ONCE per name and thus destroyed only once at the end in my application. So I try to avoid invocation of copy constructors or default constructors, as they might invoke destruction. A MyClass object refers to some kind of ressource that shall be allocated/freed only once. I tried to use this code to create instances of MyClass, put them in my map and give a pointer to the just created instance back.

MyClass* FooClass::GetItem(std::string name)
    MyClass* item = GetItemExists(name);

    if (item == NULL)
        item = &(*((this->myMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, MyClass>
                                      (name, MyClass(name)))).first)).second;       

    return item;

Creation and insertion works this way. But the destructor of Class MyClass is called 3! times. Even the return item; statement invokes the destructor, as this is a pointer?! I thought this is impossible and must be forced by delete item?!

I thought an alternative is to store pointers MyClass* instead of objects in the map. Or is there a better alternative? I did not use myMap[name] = MyClass(name); to avoid copy/destruction, but I think insert doesnt make it better.

Sounds like a good use for shared_ptr<MyClass>. Put that in your map instead of MyClass. A shared pointer will not copy your MyClass objects and will destruct each one when no longer in use.john
You might also want to derive MyClass from boost::noncopyable to enforce protection from being copied.tehlexx
Ok thx, shared_ptr and boost::noncopyable are good hints, i will use this.Michbeckable

1 Answers


You need to emplace and piecewise construct the inserted element:

item = &(this->myMap.emplace(std::piecewise_construct,