
I'm trying to user super-source to emulate classes GWT has no access to the source code. This ran fine first. But when I use those classes in classes that get validated by Bean Validation (JSR 303), I get an error: [java] com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.InternalCompilerException: Unexpected error during visit. ... ... [java] Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: somepath/myClass

IMHO this looks like I cannot use Emulations in 'shared' packages but only in the 'client'.

any experiences here?

TIA ujbi


1 Answers



client package compiled to javascript.

Shared package compiles both to java byte code and javascript.

Most probably while compiling to java code no issues raise.But while compiling to java script you might thrown in to this issue.

IMHO  This looks like I cannot use Emulations in 
                                     'shared' packages but only in the 'client'.

Yes unfortunately that's true.

The code in the shared package must friendly to Compiler. I.e It should emulate.