I was recently given the task of creating a form that will autofill with the information from a table. The information the form autofills is selected using a primary key called ModID. I have a combo box that has a List of the ModIDs that are listed as Active.
FROM P_Review
WHERE Status = "Active"
Simple enough. I then have VBA code running on the event After Update. So after the value for the combo box is select or changed it will run this VBA code.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub selectModID_AfterUpdate()
'Find the record that matches the control.
On Error GoTo ProcError
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
With rs
.FindFirst "ModID=" & Me.selectModID
If Not .NoMatch Then
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew
Me!localModID = Me.selectModID.Column(0)
End If
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & ". " & Err.Description
Resume ExitProc
End Sub
The code runs fine (I get no errors when I debug or run).
Now for the access text box. I would like to populate certain fields based off the variable localModID. I have a dlookup in a text box to find the information in the table P_Review.
=DLookUp("Threshold","P_Review","ModID =" & [localModID])
So the DlookUp should find the value for the column threshold, in the table P_Review, where the ModID in P_Review equals the localModID set in the VBA code. But when I go to form view and select a ModID I get the Error 3070: The Microsoft Access database engine does not recognize as a valid field name or expression. I did copy this code from another database we are already using but it fails in this new instance.