I am using the Neo4j Monitoring and Management tool (localhost:7474, Neo4j v 1.8.2) because I think that it is a good way to visualize the data. I am facing some issues though:
- I created an index called auto_node_index. (I also enabled auto indexing though this should not matter here) When I run the following statements for instance:
CREATE n = {type : 'company', name : 'neo4j'} RETURN n START n=node:auto_node_index(name='neo4j') RETURN n
I don't get any matching data, but instead: Returned 0 rows. Query took 25ms Where am I wrong?
2.How can I make visible data that I created with an embedded java application and vice versa? Since Neo4j stores it data in /var/lib/neo4j/data/graphdb I tried to configure the path of the GraphDatabaseService like that:
String DB_PATH = "cd /var/lib/neo4j/data/graphdb"; GraphDatabaseService db = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase( DB_PATH );
which obviously does not work, since the directory is created and it not switched into there. Sorry, I'm quite a newbee to this.
Any hints are greatly appreciated ;) Thanks a lot!