I am using NodeJS + Express + Redis on RedisOnGo + node_redis as a client. I expect a lot of concurrency, so trying to test WATCH. This example won't contain Express, just necessary stuff.
var redis = require("redis")
var rc = redis.createClient(config.redis.port, config.redis.host)
rc.auth(config.redis.hash, function(err) {
if (err) {
throw err
rc.on('ready', function () {
for(var i=1;i<=10;i++){
var multi = rc.multi()
data++ // I do know I can use rc.incr(), this is just for example
Expecting result: getting N errors in exec callbacks and finally getting "inc" variable = 10-N.
Unexpected result: getting 0 errors in exec callbacks but finally getting "inc" variable = 1.
Watch doesn't work with my code.
I have found this thread redis and watch + multi allows concurrent users. They say it is because of the only redis client.
Then I found this thread Should I create a new Redis client for each connection?. They say that generating a new client for each transaction "is definitely not recommended". I am lost.
Please also note, that I have to authenticate to Redis server. Thanks in advance!
I was able to make it work using local Redis instance (so I do not use client.auth) by creating a new client connection before each WATCH-MULTI-EXEC iteration. Not sure if it is good though, but results now are 100% accurate.
EDITION 2 Made it work if I create a new client connection before each WATCH-MULTI-EXEC iteration and then do client.auth and wait for client.on.
The question still exists, is it OK that I create new client connections for each iteration?