I am using QT framework. I have been using SIGNAL-SLOT for a while. I like it. :-) But I cannot make it work when I use QThread. I always create new thread using “moveToThread(QThread …)” function. Any suggestion? :-)
The error message is:
Object::connect: No such slot connection::acceptNewConnection(QString,int) in ..\MultiMITU600\mainwindow.cpp:14 Object::connect: (sender name: 'MainWindow')
I have read about similar problems but those were not connected to QThread.
Thanks, David
EDITED: you asked for source code Here is one:
Here is the code:
The main class which contains the signal and the new thread:
mainwindow header:
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
QThread cThread;
MyClass Connect;
void NewConnection(QString port,int current);
The constructor of the above class: .cpp
cThread.start(); // start new thread
&Connect,SLOT(acceptNewConnection(QString,int))); //start measuring
The class that contains the new thread and SLOT Header:
class MyClass: public QObject
public slots:
void acceptNewConnection(QString port, int current);
And the .cpp file of the above class:
void MyClass::acceptNewConnection(QString port, int current){
qDebug() << "This part is not be reached";
Finally I use emit in the class where the connection was made:
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_3_clicked()
emit NewConnection(port, 1);