I am a bit confused on what I have done.. As far as I know, java and especially the DataOutputStream writes values in Big endian.
I am writing a little signal generator and have to store the files in little endian. No problem so far, just swap the bytes.
also says "writing high byte first".
So for example decimal '2' would be stored normally as:
00 02 (big endian)
02 00 (little endian) is what I need.
So I swap the bytes:
public static short swap (short value)
int b1 = value & 0xff;
int b2 = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
return (short) (b1 << 8 | b2 << 0);
and write the short:
The hex editor shows me the file in the format it should be: 02 00
When I now try to open my generated audio file, I can't hear anything. (audacity raw data import and settings like samplerate all correct).
I removed the byte swapping, getting a file with: 00 02
which is big endian.
I opened audacity again and with the same configuration, I heard the tone. Definetely I configured little endian!
I copied the file to windows (I am working on a mac) and opened the file in Cool Edit 2000, choosing again 16khz, 16 bit unsigned pcm and little endian (16-bit LSB, MSB). I heard the tone again, choosing big endian nothing.
Where is my failure? Something confuses me as this should not work like I described..
Generating the tone:
// x(t) = A*cos (2*pi * f * t + phi)
if(null != dos)
double sampPeriod = 1.0/16000;
short x[] = new short[16000]; // 16k samples for 1 second
for(int t=0; t < x.length; t++)
double time = t * sampPeriod;
x[t] = (short) (amplitude * Math.sin(2.0*Math.PI*frequenz*time+phase));
for(int t=0; t < x.length; t++)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Edited 2:16pm 02/04/13: I was reading around assuming something in my understanding is the failure and I found the following picture on wikipedia:
See answer of the problem in the next post.
00 02
is not little or big endian by itself. It is2
when interpreted as big endian and512
when interpreted as little endian. – zch