
I am using :

Eclipse Helios Version: 3.6.2 Sonar Java Analyser

Steps followed during installation of sonar in eclipse :

  1. Help -> Install New Software
  2. Url used for installation : http://dist.sonar-ide.codehaus.org/eclipse
  3. Restarted eclipse from cmd using : ecipse -clean

PROBLEM : Cannot find sonar in Windows->Preferences to configure. Please help me resolve this issue.

do you have write access to your eclipse folder? you should not copy eclipe to "programm files" without admin rights allways on (and you should avoid this for sure).Simulant
Please update your question to detail your environment: version of Sonar, version of Eclipse, version of Java, ... And please format your question properly (i.e. do not write a single long line, use foramtting options).Fabrice - SonarSource Team
I have updated the questionDev

1 Answers


Eclipse Helios is only compatible with Sonar Eclipse 2.4.0, as you can see on the installation page: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/Installing+Sonar+in+Eclipse

If you want to use the latest features of Sonar Eclipse (3.1), then you should upgrade your Eclipse installation to at least Indigo (3.7.x).