
I have deployed a web app on tomcat 7 on ubumtu VM. App uses a jar file which inturn makes JNI calls to some native C SOs. I have done the following: 1. create /shared/lib under tomcat home, and added the unjarred class files plus the C SOs. 2. updated catalina.properties to look for the above dir under shared.loader 3. Added the above dir to PATH 4. Added CATALINA_OPTS to "-Djava.library.path" option to point to the above dir

Restarted tomcat multiple times, still getting 'Could not load file XXXX.SO"

What am I missing? I have seen almost every documentation available on this matter

found a solution to this? same problem.nikk

1 Answers


Add LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/location/of/your/shared-objects to $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat.conf and restart Tomcat. This works for me on CentOS.