I'm having some problems getting the Flash AS3 Camera to work correctly. If you could help, much appreciated. I looked at olThe details:
I'm able, when publishing to a SWF, to get the webcam up and running and all works fine, popping up the 'may I access your camera dialog' which returns muted or not.
• First question: is there any way to make it so I can bypass the user permission, that is always grant it? We are running a kiosk app. Will the following method work for an AIR app? https://stackguides.com/questions/3266939/flash-grant-access-to-webcam-programmatically-behind-the-scenes
• Second question: as I said, I can get the webcam/Camera hookup to work fine when publishing for SWF in IDE, and in browser. But if I switch the project to publish for AIR and run the air app, or test in the IDE, I don't get the security permissions dialog coming up at all. Nothing. Perhaps the security box is off screen? Is there some way to control the placement? Is there something different about using the webcam from within AIR?
I'm happy to NOT publish to AIR, but to use SWF — simply need to be able to read/write to XML files on local disk and think that AIR only way to do that?
Thanks for any help!
The code:
private function initTracking() : void
var camW : int = 840;
var camH : int = 640;
// Create the camera
_cam = Camera.getCamera();
if (_cam == null)
trace("Unable to locate available cameras.");
trace("Found camera: " + _cam.name);
_cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, camStatusHandler);
_cam.setMode(camW, camH, stage.frameRate);
// Create a video
_vid = new Video(camW, camH);
trace("camera ", _cam, " attached to video ", _vid);
// Create the Motion Tracker
_motionTracker = new MotionTracker(_vid);
// We flip the input as we want a mirror image
_motionTracker.flipInput = true;
private function camStatusHandler(event:StatusEvent):void
if (_cam.muted)
trace("Unable to connect to active camera.");
trace("able to connect to active camera.");
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler, false,0,true);
// Remove the status event listener.
_cam.removeEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, camStatusHandler);