
This worked without error when this solution worked off of .lib files instead of .dll files.

I have all of my projects except one currently using a precompiled header, without error. The precompiled header is called "LudoGlobal.h". I am trying to link the last project to this precompiled header (which exists in a seperate, "Core", project) but I'm getting the following error:

Error 4 fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '....\Output\LudoSound\Debug\LudoSound.pch': No such file or directory ludosoundmanager.cpp 1

for each .cpp file. Why is this? How can I solve it?

I realize LudoSound.pch does not exist. I am under the assumption that it probably gets created when LudoSound compiles, yesno?

Check if file (....\Output\LudoSound\Debug\LudoSound.pch') exist.lsalamon
It doesn't. It would need to be built, I'm assuming. This appears to be stopping it.user189320

4 Answers


Are you using "automatically generate", or "use precompiled header" on the project and "create precompiled header" on the one cpp file? The latter is more efficient, but I've seen the per-file configuration on projects get accidentally reset, so that the "stdafx.cpp" (or whatever) file no longer generates the precompiled header.


I had this issue after I deleted and re-added stdafx.cpp from & to my project. Solution:

  • stdafx.cpp needs to have the property Create PrecompiledHeader (/Yc), this sets stdafx.cpp as the one that is responsible for creating the .pch from stdafx.h
  • the project (and with that all the files in it) can have the property Use PrecompiledHeader (/Yu), they can use .pch created by the compilation of stdafx.cpp

Try rebuilding your project in a new, copying only the files needed supplies.


LudoSound.pch was not regenerated. Delete only the folder it was in and build again.