First check if the view is actually empty. You could have documents in the view, but because they don't have fields that match the columns they won't be visible.
Double click on a blank spot where a document should be, or CTRL-A (Select All). Alternatively page down a number of times, as the documents you are finding may be lower down.
I would recommend then to check the Search criteria of the view in question that you are not accidentally pulling in documents that are not meant for that view.
If that doesn't work (which I have never seen to be honest), the full text index search works as follows.
Make a call to the FTI folder with the search term.
Gets a list of documents that match the search.
Discards the documents on that list based on the following.
- Is the user allowed to view the document?
- Would the document appear in the view under normal circumstances?
- Has the document since been deleted?
- (Forth reason escapes me, will look it up)
It then displays those documents in the view.
So in short, the full text index search will never show documents that cannot already be shown in the view.
Beyond that, a possible corrupted view index. You can run "UPDALL -v" on it to rebuild the indexes.