
We want to display the region to which users are being directed by Azure Traffic Manager in our MVC 4 application (we have cloud services set up in Europe, Asia, and the US). We're thinking of handling this similarly to the way we display the version number in the footer (so it would say something like Version: 1.5.7 Region: East US). I've heard this can be done but I have no idea how. Any help?


1 Answers


Your hosted service in Europe would say "Region: Europe" for every single request that comes to it. Similarly, your hosted service in Asia would say "Region: Asia" for every single request that it receives. When WATM sends a user to the Europe service then the user would see "Region: Europe".

The Cloud Cover Episode 46 shows a sample of this. http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Cloud+Cover/Cloud-Cover-Episode-46-Windows-Azure-Traffic-Manager